The following hire rates are effective from 1st January 2023.

Main Hall

Ad hoc hire£28 per hour
Regular hirer hiring for 2 – 37 weeks a year1£17.50 per hour
Regular hirer hiring for 38 weeks or more a year1£14 per hour
Special offer Sunday hire for children’s parties: From 1PM onwards£17 per hour

1. Applies to new regular hirers from September 2022.

Additional items for hire

Public Address System: Speakers, Microphone, Bluetooth audio£50
Music Surcharge: This covers license costs for any type of music played£5
Bar Facilities: Freezer, Glasswasher, Glasses, Wine Chiller£30
Catering Facilities: Fridge, Freezer, Glasswasher, Cooker, Hot Cupboard, Crockery and Cutlery£30

Meeting Room

Ad hoc hire£15 per hour