The Licensing Act 2003 requires that there is a licence for the sale of alcohol at all events.
You are selling alcohol if:
- You are charging for alcoholic drinks at any event.
- If the event is ticketed and you are providing a free drink. (This is seen as selling as the cost is included in the ticket price).
- If the event has an entrance charge and you are providing a free drink.
A licence is not required when:
- The event is free and drink is provided for free (for example a family wedding or party where alcohol is not charged for).
- If people bring their own drink with them to consume on the premises.
- If alcohol is donated by an individual (not an organisation charging for entrance).
Temporary Event Notice:
- For most functions selling alcohol, an application for a ‘Temporary Event Notice’ (TEN) is required. Applications are made via Braintree District Council’s website Temporary Event Notice | Braintree District Council. The current cost is £21 per licence. Please ensure you post applications off well before your event as you MUST have the licence before the event.
- Prior to applying for a licence please make the Village Hall Management Committee aware, as there is a limit on the amount of TEN licences a venue can be used for in any 12 month period.
- The Management Committee must see a copy of the licence or a confirmation email prior to the event to be assured a licence is in place.
- The person who has applied for the TEN, and is named on the application is legally responsible for the sale of alcohol.
The Village Hall Licence:
Rayne Village Hall Management Committee has applied for and purchased its own licence for community functions. This licence is in the name of the Management Committee and not an individual person. This licence is only allowed to be used when the Management Committee has granted permission for its use and a member of the Committee is on site for the entire time that alcohol is being sold. When the Village Hall licence is used, the Management Committee is legally responsible for the sale of alcohol.
Any persons wishing to use the Village Hall licence must:
- Make a request to the Management Committee via the Bookings Officer or via the alcohol request page.
- Check that a member of the Committee will be present at the event and is happy to cover this role.
- Ensure permission is confirmed, prior to advertising, that alcohol is to be sold at the event.
- Be aware that the licence comes at a cost to the hall. The trustees request a donation for most events if it is used. This is normally £10 for community or charity events.
In all cases where alcohol is supplied, whether sold or provided for free, it is the responsibility of the licence holder or the hirer (if no licence is required) to ensure that no underage person is allowed to consume alcohol, under any circumstances. If there is any doubt about a person’s age, credible identification must be provided.
The Magistrates’ Court can give an unlimited fine for the following offences under the Licensing Act 2003:
- Sale of alcohol to children
- Allowing the sale or supply of alcohol to children
- Purchase on behalf of a person under the age of 18
- Knowingly allowing the consumption of alcohol on premises by children
A Licensing Policy is set by Braintree District Council and enforced by the Licensing Officer, to ensure adherence to the Licensing Act 2003. The sale of alcohol and licences is monitored by the police, child protection and a number of other organisations. The licensing team are very strict on these regulations and have the power to withdraw not only an alcohol licence but also a venue premise licence. Without a premise licence a venue is not legally permitted to hire out rooms.
If your event requires a licence, it is essential that either; a TEN is displayed at the event (where possible) and a copy or email confirmation passed to the Management Committee, or permission is sought from the Committee to use their licence and a Committee member has agreed to be present.
Without a licence it is illegal to sell alcohol and it must not be sold at the event.